I’m Varun!
I started cooking while in Uni, out of pure necessity, as there was NO Indian food around me. (This was somewhere in Pittsburgh). One YouTube video after another, and one panicked call to my mom after another, I realized I was actually having a lot of fun! Cooking was a great way to feed my other passion: eating! (Pardon the pun.)
While working as a software engineer, I found time to work in restaurants over weekends, take culinary courses at Le Cordon Bleu, and delve into what it would take to be in the culinary industry long term.
As I start the next chapter of my journey, however it may look, I’m excited to have you onboard to try what I have to offer! Whether it’s my own take on Indian classics, or my experiments of fusing different cultures and cuisines together, and whether it’s at a supper club, or food stall, I can’t wait to try my hand at making food that gives you a new experience, but evokes nostalgia at the same time!
I hope to see you soon!